11. finnaly back home

1993 Aug 22 - 8 PM

Well so a few things happened.

First of all I went to confront that guy at my garage. I explained to him why he needed to stop, but he startted walking towards me trying to take my hockey stick.

I did hit him hard but it did like no damage... Didn't know what else to do so I ran off.... He chased me but wasn't running. He fell over and I got away.

I came back through the ditch beside my neighbor Tony's house and guess WHAT!

Mom and dad were there!!! stuck in the ditch!!! Dad's hands are all messed up, and mom's got scratches on her face. But I found them!!!

Both of them are totally fricked up by the way. They kept trying to grab me, so I just kept my distance and we walked around the fence and got home...

I brought them into the garage and closed the garage door behind them. They're moving around and bumping into stuff, but at least they can't get lost again.

I hope they don't hurt themselves. I'm trying to figure out what to do..

Also, they totally STINK. It's like their bodies are rotten. Maybe they are dying...

At least they're not out there in the natural elements any more. It gets super hot and sunny this time of year. Tomorrow I'm going to figure out how to help them.